
Tonight I’d like talk to you about one of the most important practices that a Christian can engage in, that of Hospitality. Once upon a time, I was under the impression that Hospitality was one of the Spiritual Gifts and I didn’t have it. I didn’t like the idea of speaking to people I didn’t... Continue Reading →

He is risen, indeed. So, what?

(I wrote this with thinking it was my turn to give a meditation at church tonight. Whoops. Like everything I write I feel it is of the moment and so, I grant it to you all who follow me here. Enjoy. Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be about the Good Works He has prepared for you.)... Continue Reading →

Deny, Carry, Follow

I was irritated with my son this morning because he took down the Liturgy of the Hours book we read from morning and night and left it downstairs. I had my coffee brewed, I'd gone through some amount of struggle to focus my heart and mind, and I really wanted my next step to be... Continue Reading →

Sinai is Here

It is an obvious thing to say, “Reading the Bible is so rewarding…” It is also a whole other thing to go through it, struggle to gain understanding, and then stumble upon a gem that makes your heart glow.  I’m on my fifth read through of the Bible, and my brain just explodes every now... Continue Reading →

Dayenu: A Thanksgiving Meditation

Today is November 1st.  Autumn has begun, the leaves have peaked in their vibrant and varied color, the weather is getting colder, and as happens every October the 31st either Linus Van Pelt has been visited by the Great Pumpkin…or not.  The Holiday Season begins in earnest and for many here today this has been... Continue Reading →

Genesis Diaries 6:9

(No image for this post. I wanted a picture of moldy food, but apparently...not in high demand) With a clear understanding of the definition of Evil (see previous post) we see that the Flood was not in any way a rash or capricious decision on God’s part. It was an extreme measure to save a... Continue Reading →

On Evil

What do we mean by “Evil”? There are some popular thoughts running through modern society, in “polite society” today that nobody is evil.  I mean, other than mid-twentieth century Germans and their leaders…and maybe certain Republicans, right?  But, nobody is or should be called “Evil”.  At heart everyone is good and wants to be good... Continue Reading →

Genesis Diaries 5:24-6:8

We all have this idea that if we just had more time, more years, more decades, then we would be a far wiser people than we are.  Perhaps we even dream of the great perfect Utopia would could build with centuries of knowledge and understanding to draw on.  One of the many things the book... Continue Reading →

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